Войны клоновКнига, которую стоило прочитать до Дикого космоса, а не после, но я не прочитал xD Тут самое начало отношений Асоки и Энички, когда ему ее только-только выдали в падаваны. Что, кстати, против правил, ведь это мастера-джедаи должны выбирать себе учеников, а не Йода их им рассылает как посылки с провиантом. Ну, допустим, что на время войны правила изменили.
Трэвис с явным удовольствием выписывает жизнь клонов, что хорошо. И Асока у нее такая диковатая хищница, что тоже неплохо, должна же она отличаться от людей, а по сериалу этого не чувствовалось. Зато Совет у Трэвис совсем уж бесчувственные чурбаны, перегнула палку.
Кого бы послать спасать мелкого хаттенка с Татуина. Разумеется, Эничку, у него же еще не полный набор психологических травм на руках. Почему бы не проехаться лишний раз по его воспоминаниям о детстве, матери и рабстве. Когда Джабба, одураченный Дукку смотрит Эничке в глаза, то верит, что он мог убить ребенка. Эничка на тот момент никаких детей, конечно, не убивал, но какой безумный уровень иронии. Это так же жестоко, как арка мультсериальная про юнлингов. Кому пришло в голову делать арку про юнлингов? Я не хочу знать их имена и не хочу к ним привязываться!
А вот когда Оби-Ван слышит, что есть какая-то видеозапись про то, как Эничка вел себя с хаттенком, то сразу, понятия не имея о чем речь идет, утверждает, что Эничка вел себя достойно. Типично.
Кроме того, этой книге Эничка с Асокой успели полетать на огромной мухе, приманив ее на R2, изображавшего звуки самца и убили любимого дроида Вентресс, что было жестоко.
Чуток про клонов Корик стряхнул пепел с наплечных пластин. Теперь, когда он стер слой пепла, оказалось, что его некогда бело-голубые доспехи изрядно почернели от бластеров.
Я смотрел один фильм, серьезно сказал Корик, таким тоном он обычно рассказывал анекдоты. Очень героический. Бесчисленные вражеские полчища осадили крепость. А когда вошли в нее, поразились мужеству той горстки солдат, которые столько времени защищали ее. Врагов так восхитила их смелость и стойкость, что они даже сложили песни в честь этих защитников крепости.
И чем все закончилось? спросил Дел.
Защитников расстреляли.Чуток про Энакина и Джаббу Он заглянул в глаза Скайуокера человека, который смог убить младенца. Люди самые жалостливые из всех рас всегда тают перед маленькими и беззащитными детенышами. Это их врожденный инстинкт. Джабба и сам считал, что человеческие детеныши довольно милые конечно, пока не вырастут.
Но Скайуокер смог убить младенца, а значит, он не такой, как другие люди, он опасен и непредсказуем. В утешение Джабба представил, как хрупко человеческое тело, сколько способов его уничтожить.
The Clone Wars: Gambit - StealthПочему это не переводили, почему. То есть, тридцать сроедненьких книг Уотсон ру.фандому действительно были нужнее, чем три великолепных? Дикий космос переводили, но как через гугл, а две части Гамбита и вовсе не. Ладно, вторую часть Гамбита я еще сам не читал, но автору уже доверяю. Она и обикина додает по уши и сюжеты у нее мрачные и серьзные. Гамбит про то, как один неймодианский генерал пытался создать биологическое оружие для Дуку, специально для этой работы похитив одного из ведущих ученых. Женщину, человека. Чтобы заставить ее работать на себя, он ее шантажировал, угрожая всем ее близким и друзьям. И из этого, само собой, вырастает конфликт: "что важнее? несколько жизней самых близких тебе людей или миллионы чужих?". Эничка, когда они с Оби-Ваном приходят спасать ученую, ассоциирует ее с погибшей матерью и сдуру обещает, что жыдаи обязательно-обязательно спасут день, ее и всех ее родных. Но после Дикого Космоса не приходилось сомневаться в том, что просто спасти никого не выйдет.
Оби-Ван и Эничка ведут себя в лучших традициях мультсериала, как старые супруги в отпуске. Бесконечные взаимные подколки, которые совершенно не мешают безграничному доверию.
Безумно смешной эпизод, когда Бейл позвал на ужин Оби-Вана и Эничку, а в последний момент еще и Падме и вот этот кружок змей делает вид, что они тут собрались для обсуждения важных дел, но Эничка норовит зажать Падме в углу, Оби-Ван садится так, чтобы Эничка был с ним, а не с Амидалой и высказывает свое очень важное мнение о правительстве, которое никто не просил xD
У Энички рекорд по прыжкам с помощью Силы, а до него победителем был Винду. Как они это выясняют, мне интересно. Это какая-то специальная жыдайская олимпиада? Упорно представляется Винду с
фиолетовым шестом.
Цитировать снова можно многое, ну вот, например, отличный эпизод, когда они ПОЧТИ поговорили про массовое убийство на Татуине. Почти да не совсем, как всегда у них (потом два дня сидели в засаде и голодали и Эни мечтал хоть сон о бисквитиках увидеть).
читать дальше"No, Anakin. I am not giving up. I am merely facing facts." He hesitated, because what he wanted to say next was dangerous. On the other hand-it needed to be said. "Don't misunderstand me. Your compassion is admirable. You are a truly good man. One of the very best I know. But you're also a Jedi, and we cannot allow ourselves to become emotionally involved." A deep breath. A sharp sigh. "Bant'ena Fhernan is not your mother."
Anakin leapt to his feet. "You leave my mother out of this!"
"Anakin!" he hissed. "For pity's sake, keep your voice down."
Hard-breathing silence as Anakin struggled for self-control. And then he shook his head. "You don't understand, Obi-Wan. You'll never understand. You've never been a slave. You have no idea what it's like to be completely helpless. To know your life could end at any moment on someone else's whim."
"That's true," he admitted. "But..."
"No. There is no but," Anakin said flatly. "You're wrong. Okay? You're wrong. So just sit there and be wrong. Or get the other lamp set up. Or start looking for a comm hub so I can hopefully punch a signal through to the Temple. Do something, Obi-Wan. Do anything. Anything except try to tell me that I'm wrong. Because I'm not."
Obi-Wan looked at Anakin, astonished. Ignoring him, Anakin turned away and began to rummage through an overstocked cupboard. So he did as he was told, and started setting up the second lamp.
On the other hand, not trying to save Durd's thirteen hostages-abandoning them to his brutal revenge-while that might well be the pragmatic thing to do...
Could I live with myself if I did it? Could I forgive myself their slaughter?
Probably not. And neither would Anakin forgive him. He frowned at his former student, so diligent in his task. Anakin, feeling the scrutiny, looked up.
"Nothing," he said. "Only-you were very good with Doctor Fhernan tonight."
Anakin's jaw tightened. "Obi-Wan..."
"No, no, I mean it," he said quickly. "I'm not trying to-my intention isn't to-it's a compliment, Anakin. What you said to her. About forgiveness. It was very powerful. That's all I meant."
"Oh," said Anakin, wary. He exchanged the wire stripper for a micro-pulse-reader, then tested a circuit and muttered, "Okay."
"So... who forgave you?"
Anakin stilled. His expression, in profile, was a muddle of surprise and resignation. As though he'd been expecting the question and yet couldn't quite believe it had been asked.
Obi-Wan was feeling a little surprised, himself. He hadn't meant to ask it. As a rule he avoided deeply personal conversations. Especially about the past, which couldn't be changed. And especially about Anakin's past, so gnarled and tangled and littered with traps.
I really am weary. I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.
"I'm sorry," he murmured. "It's none of my business. Forget I asked. I'll..."
"My mother," said Anakin, his voice low. "My mother forgave me."
Oh. Well. And how, exactly, could he answer that? Because the odds were good that whatever he said it would be the wrong thing. Shmi's death was a minefield of regrets and failures, for both of them.
"Just before she died," Anakin added. "She didn't-she was..." He took a deep, shaky breath, then let it out incrementally. "She didn't actually say I forgive you, Anakin. You know. For not saving her. For not going back to Tatooine and freeing her. But I could see the words in her eyes. I could feel them. She forgave me."
What that meant to Anakin, Obi-Wan could only imagine. But his mother's forgiveness was only half the equation. He rested his head against the solid side of the desk.
"And when are you going to forgive yourself?"
Anakin returned his attention to the comm hub. "Who says I haven't?"
"Anakin. Please," he said. "If you'd rather not talk about this, just say so. But don't treat me like an idiot."
"Fine," said Anakin, and pulled out another comm relay circuit. "I don't want to talk about this."
Such a dichotomy. He is the most fearless man I have ever fought with... yet a part of him remains that small, frightened boy who left Tatooine eleven years ago.
The boy he knew, to his shame, he'd sometimes failed to reach.
"You shouldn't blame yourself, you know," he said. "If you want to blame someone, Anakin, blame me. We both know I encouraged you to leave Tatooine behind. What happened wasn't your fault. You really must stop punishing yourself for it. I'm sure your mother wouldn't want that. She wouldn't want..."
"Yeah. Okay. And which part of I don't want to talk about this just slipped right on by you, there?"
All right. This was a mistake. He's not a child anymore, Obi-Wan. You keep forgetting that. "Sorry. I'm-tired. I don't know what I'm saying. I think I will take a nap after all. Wake me in half an hour, would you? If I don't wake of my own accord?"
For a moment he thought Anakin was going to change his mind, was going to break his self-imposed silence and tell him everything that had transpired on Tatooine, when Shmi died. Because there was more. He had always known there was more than the bald fact of Shmi being kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders. He just didn't know what. And he'd never let himself think about it. He had only let himself hope that one day Anakin find his way to telling him the whole story.
Please. Let one day be this day. I have a feeling it's important.
Anakin nodded. "Yeah, you get some rest, Obi-Wan. You look beat."
So. Not this day after all.А вот это (помимо того, что красиво написано)The battle consumed him. The void of space fell away. Flesh became metal, thought burst into flame. The boundaries between space and time and self disappeared. Dissolved within the Force, he surrendered to the moment. Past, present, and future were one. He was Anakin. He was Obi-Wan. He was Shmi and Padme and Ahsoka. He was Grievous in his greed. He was Rex and Fireball and Wingnut and all the clones he'd never met. Every friend, every enemy, left behind and yet to come. And he was his fighter, too, wings and thrusters and conduits and canopy. He was his fighter, tearing up the stars.
I am the Chosen One. Today I choose to win.явно является отсылкой к СтоверуОн — все шестнадцать супердроидов с отражающей выстрелы оболочкой, вооруженных тяжелыми бластерами. Он — их бластеры, он — их мишени. Он — все восемь разрушителей, ожидающих с электронным терпением в коконах защитных полей. И оба телохранителя — тоже — он, как и каждый из трясущихся, словно желе, неймодиан-цев. Он — их одежда, их башмаки, каждая капля жидкости, которая омывает их для поддержания внутренней температуры. Он — наручники на запястьях пленников, шест в руке телохранителя.
Он — оба лазерных меча, которые передает Гривусу второй дроид.
Он — сам генерал.
Он — дюраниумные ребра генерала. Он — удары чужеродного сердца, поток кислорода, нагнетаемый в вены. Он — тяжесть четырех мечей на поясе генерала и жадное предвкушение, которое светится в желтых глазах. Он — план собственной казни, складывающийся в мыслях Гривуса.
Он — все это вместе, но что самое важное, он по-прежнему Оби-Ван Кеноби.
Вот поэтому он просто стоит. Вот поэтому он просто ждет. Нет нужды нападать или защищаться. Битва состоится здесь, но Кеноби стоит без напряжения, сознавая, что бой начнется, когда начнется, и завершится, когда завершится.
А он позволит себе жить или позволит себе умереть.
Собственно, так великие джедаи ведут войну.А этот эпизод, когда Эни набегает на раненых Оби-Вана и Асоку и бросается лично вытаскивать осколки из Кеноби, ох-ох. Позже все, даже Йода терроризировали бедного Оби-Вана, заставляя отдохнуть"Ahsoka, be quiet. Captain Rex and his men are in good hands already. Besides, it's not a bruise, it's three fractured ribs, which means-ow!"
Ow? Oh, great. He's done it again.
Threading a path between hurrying medics and clone troopers and scattered bits of Grievous's destroyed army, Anakin let the Force guide him to where he needed to be.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka sat side-by-side on crates in a hastily setup triage area, just outside an entrance into the spynet building. One clone medic was encasing his singed and smoke-stained Padawan's torso in an inflatable brace, and another was attempting to extract a wicked-looking shard of shattered transparisteel from Obi-Wan's chest plate. Several more shards were deeply embedded in both arms and his right shoulder. He looked like an extremely cranky pincushion.
"General, please stay completely still," said the medic, sounding harried. "I don't want to hurt you any more than I..."
"Can I help?" Anakin said, joining them.
Ahsoka's pain-pinched face lit up. "Master! You're all right!"
"Of course I am, Padawan," he said. "Why wouldn't I be?"
His bored tone was designed to reassure her, but it wasn't working, as the answer to his flip question was lying all around them: triaged clone troopers, most stoically silent, waiting for the next medevac flight to arrive. Beyond them, decently shrouded, lay the bodies of those men who hadn't been so fortunate. And then, of course, there were the men who'd died going up against Grievous and his droid starfighters.
"Anakin," said Obi-Wan, self-contained as always. "There you are at last. Nice work."
He nodded. "You, too. Ah-should I ask what happened?"
"What happened is that your Padawan arrived in the nick of time and helped save the day."
"She did?" With his initial burst of relief fading, seeing them both more or less unscathed, Anakin felt a rush of pride. "Of course she did. She's my apprentice."
The clone medic treating Ahsoka sealed the brace. "Stay putand breathe shallowly. No fancy Jedi moves for the time being, or chances are you'll end up with a tension pneumothorax. A collapsed lung," he added, noting his patient's blank stare. "As of right now, Padawan Tano, you're officially out of commission."
Ahsoka frowned. "Wonderful."
She was awfully pallid beneath all the grime. And hurting a lot-Anakin could feel it. "No internal injuries?"
"There's a lot of bruising, sir," said the medic. "A few broken ribs, but no organ damage I can detect. Although, as I say, that could change if she tries anything clever."
Anakin scowled at his Padawan. "Trust me, she won't. How did it happen, anyway?"
"I don't really remember," Ahsoka said, shifting uncomfortably on the crate. "There was a lot going on. Except-there was this one super battle droid I tangled with on the way here from the plaza... "
He raised an eyebrow. "Just one?"
"Oh no, there were lots of SBDs," she said, as the medic pressed a spray injector to the inside crook of her elbow and hissed some drug or other into her bloodstream. "But only one of them was a problem."
He looked at Obi-Wan. Please. Tell me I wasn't ever this cocky. Obi-Wan, his face cut in several places and streaked with dried blood, rolled his eyes.
"You're sure my Padawan's going to be fine?" Anakin asked the medic.
"No reason to think otherwise, sir," said the medic, allowing a little unprofessional sympathy to show. "Provided she gets to a proper medfacility sooner rather than later."
"She will. Now, about General Kenobi... "
The medic treating Obi-Wan cleared his throat. "The general's life might not be in danger, sir, but I still really need to get this transparisteel out of him. It's not what you'd call hygienic." He looked down. "So, General, if you could please keep still and stop talking, that would be helpful."
"Yes, yes, all right," Obi-Wan muttered, hating the fuss. Refusing to admit any kind of physical weakness. "But do please hurry up. I can't sit here all day."
"Obi-Wan, you can sit there for as long as the medics need you to," said Anakin, and turned to the harassed clone. "Have you scanned him? Is there any arterial involvement? Or nerve damage?"
"No nerve damage, no compromised arteries," said the medic. "There's a tendon that's not looking too cheerful, but we can take care of it once these transparisteel splinters are out of him."
"You're having some trouble with that?"
"A bit," the medic admitted. "They're stuck in him but good and if I use brute force to pull them out, I'll do more damage than they did going in."
"Please don't," said Obi-Wan. "I've wasted enough time as it is."
Ignoring him, Anakin frowned thoughtfully. "Right. I get the picture. Look, I don't mean to tread on your toes but do you mind if I try something?"
The medic stood back. "Be my guest, General Skywalker."
"Anakin, what are you doing?" Obi-Wan demanded. "We both know you're not a healer. Please, leave this to the exp..."
"Hush up," he said mildly. "You're distracting me."
As Obi-Wan opened his mouth in comical surprise, the medics exchanged amused glances. Ahsoka stifled a giggle.
"Fine," said Obi-Wan with poor grace, defeated. "But whatever you intend to do, get on with it. Captain Drayk and Sergeants Ven and Ando are coordinating what's left of our troops but I need to get back out there. It's going to take hours to clean up the mess Grievous has left behind here."
"Don't worry about that now," he said, and dropped to a crouch in front of his former Master. "Drayk's a good officer. Just relax, clear your mind, and don't fight me."
Resting his gloved human fingers on Obi-Wan's forearm, Anakin closed his eyes and breathed out long and slow. Allowing the Force to rise within him, warm and familiar, he let it show him the shape of the eight transparisteel splinters still lodged in Obi-Wan's body. Nasty. Painful. It was nothing short of a miracle they hadn't severed nerves or sliced major blood vessels, which meant Obi-Wan would heal as good as new once the shards were removed.
He lifted his hand and opened his eyes. Focusing the power of the Force, he summoned the first piercing splinter out of Obi-Wan's chest.
"Sorry," he murmured, as his former Master grunted. "This is going to sting a bit. Hold on... hold on... "
Dimly, he was aware of his fascinated audience: Ahsoka, the two medics, the less seriously wounded clones. All of them stared as he eased the shard of transparisteel out of vulnerable flesh and the armor that had failed to protect it. Bloody, the splinter of transparisteel clattered to the oil-stained ground.
He smiled. Excellent. "Okay. One down, seven to go."
When the final shard was safely extracted, he rose from his crouch and got out of the way. Warm and comforting, the Force resonated through him. Pride, too, for a difficult task perfectly executed. The medic moved in, stripping off Obi-Wan's armor and tugging him out of his spoiled Jedi tunic. Then he slapped a succession of pressure pads on each seemingly insignificant puncture wound.
"General, wriggle your fingers for me," he ordered, tapping Obi-Wan's right hand. It was the tendon in his right forearm that was the cause for concern. "Then make a fist."
Grimacing, Obi-Wan obeyed. "That feels fine."
"Looks fine, too," said the medic, patently relieved. "I think you dodged a blaster bolt this time, General."
"Actually, I dodged quite a few," said Obi-Wan as he eased himself back into his scorched and bloodstained tunic. "Thank you, Sergeant. Now perhaps you could turn your attention to those among us who aren't merely scratched."
"Yes, sir," the medic replied. "But let's get one thing straight, General-those aren't just scratches and you need to take care of them properly."
Anakin grinned. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he's sorted out."