Пленных не брать Как всегда, берешь книгу, чтобы прочитать про приключения Рекса и Асоки, получаешь историю про жыдайских еретиков, которые на поверку оказываются куда разумнее обычных. Не цепляются за устаревшие правила Ордена, разрешают своим Мастерам брать больше одного ученика и не возражают против любовных связей, браков, детей. На Темную сторону при этом валом не валятся. Асока и Эничка были в глубоком культурном шоке, когда с ними столкнулись. Особенно Эничка. Вся моя жизнь ложь, доктрины врут, Учителя обманщики!!!1 Я прямо ясно видел, как осыпаются прахом десять лет стараний Оби-Вана
Нет, на самом деле это ужасно. За время Войн Клонов Энакин и Оби-Ван пришли к одинаковым выводам насчет привязанностей, Оби-Ван на Зигуле, Энакин от встречи с еретиками (и много раз помимо этого, иначе и не женился бы), но поговорить друг с другом откровенно не удосужились, один не хотел потерять репутацию Безупречного Джедая, другой боялся разочаровать первого сомнениями.
"He was scared that once he discussed his turmoil openly, then he could never cope with being a Jedi-his kind of Jedi, Obi-Wan's kind of Jedi-again".
>Obi-Wan's kind of Jedi
Велл, велл.
Altis shrugged. "Could you let someone go, if you loved them? Could you let them walk away? Could you live without them? How far would you go to stop them from leaving? What would you do to save them? Ask yourself, listen, and if any of your answers make you feel afraid . . . attachment may be fraught with misery, for you and those around you." - говорит Эничке жыдайский еретик.
Энивей, для Энички ответы звучали бы как нет НЕТ Н-Е-Т СИДЕТЬ ВЫ ВСЕ МОИ И ВЫ МНЕ НЕОБХОДИМЫ, так что у него были бы проблемы и в стане еретиков
Кроме того Трэвис, как и в первой книге про Асоку поднимает вопрос о этичности использования клонов. Нихуа это не этично, разумеется. Потом она идет еще дальше и поднимает аналогичный вопрос насчет дроидов. О дроидах никто думать не желает, в том числе и я, это же с ума сойти можно, если и их еще начать жалеть, вдобавок к клонам. Их в мультсериале выкашивали миллионами.
Идеологический спор традиционных жыдаев с нетрадиционными, странным образом напоминает противостояние России и Запада, конкретно наше упоротое отстаивание Традиционных Ценностей, хотя никто толком не понимает, что именно под ними подразумевается и почему они должны оставаться непоколебимыми. Йоде давно пора было уйти на пенсию, в глушь, на Дагоба, растить грибы, любоваться болотами.
Немного еретических принциповInce. Were. Those young men, allowed to know nothing else.
It wasn't so much the realization of what he was walking upon that stopped him in his tracks and made his stomach lurch, but what he sensed. The Force seized him by the collar, shook him, made him look. See what your kind have done, Altis. Feel the pain and misery hat empty piety begets. He had no choice but to listen to it.
"Yoda, you fool-you fool." He dreaded going farther. He knew he would see bodies, and he knew that somehow the bodies of troopers would disturb him even more than those of civilians. He would ponder on that. "And you wonder why the dark side has been growing these many years? Because we're letting it creep up on us a step at a time."
There is no passion, only serenity.
"Garbage," Altis spat. "Garbage. Where's the passion for justice? Where's the passion for peace? The passion for rights? We need passion! No passion-only complacency! We forgot what we were put here to do."
They walked back to the camp. Altis's heart broke; it wasn't the injuries he saw among the civilians so much as the look on their faces that tore at him. It was bewilderment. Why us? Why had the war come to them? A woman with a small child clinging to her legs held out a cup to him, steam curling from its rim, and he realized she wasn't asking for it to be filled, but offering him a hot drink. She probably saw an old man, his face pinched by the cold, in need of something warming. She was, frankly, thin and ugly, worn out by poverty; but he'd never seen such beauty and radiance in his life. It was perfection; a simple act of generosity, love in its raw and natural state.
Serenity, my backside. Passion. Passion and anger and love. That's what this galaxy needs, not serenity. Passion for change. Anger at this brutality. Love-buckets of it, for everyone, love between child and parent, between spouses, between brothers and sisters, between friends. We need more attachment, not less. Attachment can stop us from tearing ourselves apart.
Hallena nodded and walked on with the pallet. Altis closed his eyes for a moment, remembered the intense passions he'd felt in Anakin Skywalker, and hoped that someone would have the sense to channel those passions rather than try to suppress them. He felt... foreboding. Anyone with that amount of raw power in the Force needed to be carefully directed, not put in harness.
Skywalker would have an unhappy future. Altis felt it. It was clear he already had an unhappy past. What that meant for the galaxy . . . but then one man couldn't change a galaxy.
I hope. Not even me.
There were no trees, just as Geith had said. So there was no firewood; funeral pyres were out of the question. The dead had to be buried, not only for disease control, but because Djinn Altis felt everyone had a right to end their time with dignity- even if in the rest of life it had been denied them.
"Please, fetch me a shovel, Geith," Altis said. "I have work to do."
Соу тру, мужик, соу тру. Почему ты не мог управлять Орденом вместо Йоды, может тогда у него был бы шанс выстоять. *Агрессивно вырывает кусок из контекста и отказывается признавать, что это про Падме, а не про Оби-Вана* Skywalker gave him a polite nod. Altis reached out and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. It was curiosity as much as greet-ing; and what he felt gave him such a jolt that he felt he understood much more and yet had a thousand more questions.
Time slowed. A second to everyone around him-but an eternity to Altis.
Skywalker seethed within, not with anger, nothing clearly negative like that. . . no, it was a strange blend of fear, desperate love, and guilt. Altis could almost taste it. He wondered if other Jedi had detected it, this obsessive, terrified passion for someone or something that the lad seemed to think was his last chance, the last thing he could bear to lose after everything else he cared about had gone. It was more than love. It had passed beyond that into a liability, something that could be used to bring him to heel as surely as a choke-chain on an akk. And it wasn't greed or ambition-it was focused on another living being.
Unrequited love?